RefineM Featured in Area Business Journals
/*RefineM Featured in Area Business Journals

RefineM has recently been featured in two prominent business journals in the southwest Missouri area. First, RefineM was featured in volume 11, issue 17 of the Joplin Regional Business Journal, which was published for the week of November 21-December 4, 2016 and serves the Joplin Regional Business area, including southwest Missouri, southeast Kansas, and northeast Oklahoma. On April 3, RefineM was profiled as a Business Spotlight in the Springfield Business Journal, which serves the Springfield, Missouri business area.
Terri Nighswonger’s article, “Local companies get project help,” from page 7 of the Joplin Regional Business Journal, builds a profile of RefineM and the services it offers to help reduce the rate of project failure. It also reinforces the nature of projects and how any temporary endeavor in any field can be considered a project. The article goes on to describe RefineM’s efforts in consulting and education.
RefineM’s profile in the Springfield Business Journal is titled “Business Spotlight: On the Go” and was written by reporter Sydni Moore. It details RefineM CEO NK Shrivastava’s journey to starting the company and describes in-depth some of RefineM’s recent work for clients.
RefineM offers project management and agile consulting, training, and coaching to help companies increase their competitive advantage. If you’re interested in an engagement with us, send us an email at [email protected] or fill out the form below.
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