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Project Management Consulting, Training, & Toolkits

Our mission is to help organizations turn their project management capability into a competitive advantage.

Industry experts have estimated that 70 percent of all projects fail. Why? Because organizations struggle with determining what is essential to the success of their project and what is not. This is where our team at RefineM steps in.

Our team of specialized consultants at RefineM are here to assist you with all of your project management needs including Agile. We take the time to sit down with you to develop a strategic project management plan that best fits the unique needs of your organization, and help and support you to implement the plan. Contact us today at 417-763-6762 to get started.

Project Management Consulting

Project Consulting

Our solutions are metrics-driven, yet simple and effective. They produce the desired results.

Project Recovery

Project Recovery

Going into troubled waters? We can put your project on solid ground.


Project Management Training

From PMI exam prep to teaching advanced skills, we lead the way in PM training.

Our Services

At RefineM, we offer a wide range of project management services. These services include:


  • Project Management Consulting: RefineM’s project management consulting services provides a wide range of consulting services. We can assist you with anything from applying project management expertise to risk management implementation to helping you establish a customized project management framework.
  • Project Management Training: At RefineM, we use Agile methodology in order to help train and coach your organization for continued success in the future. We offer public classroom and virtual project management training as well as individualized mentoring and coaching.


  • Agile Transformation: Agile is a proven driver of faster growth, higher revenue, and increased customer satisfaction. Through the proven methodologies of Agile transformation, our consultants at RefineM can help your organization achieve such business outcomes in a very short period of time.
  • Project Recovery: If you are concerned that your project is at risk for failure, our project recovery services at RefineM may be the right solution for you. We utilize proven techniques and strategies to help turn your project around and help your organization succeed.
  • Outsourced Software Projects: If you don’t have the resources you need for your software project, RefineM is here to help. Our software architects can help make sure that your project is executed efficiently and timely.

Choose RefineM Solutions

Through our Agile processes, knowledge, skills, and dedication to the success of your project, the RefineM team will not just meet your expectations – we will exceed them. Whether you are needing help turning around a project that is at risk for failure or want to develop a proven strategy for a future project, RefineM has the perfect solution for you. Contact today 417-763-6762 for more information.

Agile Transformation"

Agile: Transformation

"Thanks to RefineM, we are now a self-managing team successfully practicing Agile.”
-Business Analyst, CFI, Inc.

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June 20th, 2024 from 12:00-1:00PM Central: Hybrid Agile: The Best of Both Worlds

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Essential Agile Processes Part 7: Release Burnup Chart

May 18, 2015
The release burnup chart shows an Agile team’s progress toward their release goal by identifying the work they have completed, or “burnt up.” The release burnup chart builds on the sprint burndown chart, which shows the team’s progress toward their sprint goal by identifying the work that has “burnt down,” Burnup charts can show the effect of scope changes with greater clarity than burndown charts can; they can also be stacked to show changes from one sprint to the next. With these added features comes one precaution: burnup charts are often harder to read than burndown charts. In this post, we will discuss ways of creating burnup charts, how they would be used, and best practices and pitfalls.

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"... my RefineM consultant has a body of knowledge, experience, and processes that he applies succinctly. He cuts through things.”

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